Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower

Company Profile

Meet our integrated solutions in the fields of energy and mobility.


Our solutions are IEC 61850 compliant and fully support station and process bus networks for digital substations.

Real-time data acquisition, cybersecurity, interoperability and reliability are top capabilities on our solutions.

Power Systems Automation

Digital substations

ScateX# ADMS

ScateX# REMS

Protection and control IEDS

MCU 500

TMU 220

Transmission and Distribution

We are a leading European manufacturer of Transformers with up to 1200MVA and 550kV.

The outstanding in-service rate assures high reliability during the product life cycle.


Distribution transformers

Distribution transformers – hermetically sealed

Three-phase phase-shifter non simetrical autotransformer

Shunt reactor


Meet our CIGRE contributors

Get to know the paper presentation of our experts on some of the most important topics in the energy sector.

Monday, 26 August | B5 Poster Session – Protection and automation

Paper 10503
PS1 – Practical Experiences and new Developments of Process Bus

Assessment of Time-Critical IEC 61850 Process Bus Communications in a Virtualized Protection and Control System

The paper is centered on the impact analysis of time-critical IEC 61850 process bus communication on the performance and scalability of a Centralized P&C solution designed to operate in a virtualized environment able to instantiate multiple P&C intelligent electronic devices A comprehensive analysis of the response times of a high-performance line protection function is discussed, including a comparative study of critical functions running on centralized and distributed DSAS architectures.

This paper is supported by the ATE – Alliance for the Energy Transition (56) co-funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) through the European Union.

Ana Cristina Aleixo
R&D Team Lead

Co-authors from Efacec: Fernando Gomes, Carlos Arantes, José Ventura, João Peres and Rui Jorge

Paper 504
PS1 – Practical Experiences and new Developments of Process Bus

DSAS Rollout Experience – Picking the Ripe Fruits

The paper focuses on the most significant challenges for wider adoption of Digital Substation technology: full dependency on high-precision time synchronization, critical data availability and redundancy, process bus network infrastructure complexity and overall configuration of the system. For each of these challenges, novel approaches are presented, that maximize the availability and reliability of the system without increasing too much its overall cost.

This paper is supported by the ATE – Alliance for the Energy Transition (56) co-funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) through the European Union.

João Peres
Head of R&D

Co-authors from Efacec: Sara Costa, Rui Jorge and Diogo Correia

Thursday, 29 August | A2 Poster Session – Power transformers and reactors

Paper 410
PS2 – Advances in Transformer Analytics

Analysis of Simplifications and Accuracy of a Thermal-hydraulic Model of Core-type Power Transformer Winding

Utilizing CFD as a regular engineering tool would provide powerful insights on the thermal-hydraulic phenomena inside the power transformer. This study addresses the simplifications that can be done to accomplish it, obtaining results faster with 2D simulations without compromising precision.

Sandra Couto
Power Transformers R&D Engineer

Co-authors from Efacec: João Silva, Beatriz de Oliveira, Catarina Sousa and Ricardo Castro Lopes

Paper 10411
PS2 – Advances in Transformer Analytics

Evaluation of the Hot-Spots’ Location during Dynamic Loading of a Natural Ester Cooled Power Transformer

Current energy demands subject transformers to rapid changes in their operating conditions. Since the hot-spot’s temperature and location in the transformer are linked to its life expectancy, this study investigates location shifts, providing results from experimental tests and CFD transient simulations.

Beatriz de Oliveira
R&D Specialist

Co-authors from Efacec: Catarina Corte-Real, João Silva, Sandra Couto and Ricardo Castro Lopes

Paper 10413
PS3 – Reliability of Transformers for Renewable Energy

Transforming the Future: The Innovative Design of Distribution Transformers

The paper presents the Hybrid Transformer, an innovative distribution transformer solution developed by EFACEC for sustainable energy distribution. It features low no-load losses, reducing CO2 emissions by 22%, a Dynamic Voltage Regulator for precise voltage control, and real-time monitoring capabilities.

This work was developed under the scope of the IANOS project in line with the commitment to decarbonize the energy system of islands. IANOS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 957810.

Andrea Soto
Power Transformers R&D Team Lead

Co-authors from Efacec: Luis Filipe Azevedo, Valter Pimenta, Ricardo Castro Lopes, Fernando Xavier, Ricardo Ribeiro, Pedro Miguel Silva, Simão Almeida and Luís Fernandes

Other papers with co-authors from Efacec

Paper 10498
PS3 – Reliability for Renewable Energy

Comparative analysis of Life Cycle Assessment methodology for a power transformer manufacturer’s transition to circular Economy

This paper is supported by the ATE – Alliance for the Energy Transition (56) co-funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) through the European Union.

Co-authors from Efacec: Beatriz Teixeira, Luis Fernandes and Ricardo Ribeiro

Paper 10505
PS2 – Acceptance, commissioning, and Field Testing for Protection, Automation and Control Systems

Testing of Centralized Protection, Control and Advanced Automation for MV networks with DER

Co-authors from Efacec: Ana Cristina Aleixo and Carlos Arantes

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