Efacec has signed a framework agreement with the German utility EnBW, for the supply of thousands of distribution transformers. From the beginning of 2024 up to the end of 2028, this new contract foresees the supply of more than 2,600 distribution transformers throughout these 5 years of contract and has a potential value of dozens of millions of euros.

An agreement that fits with Efacec’s long term strategy of building partnerships with major European utilities, securing regular orders for distribution transformers over a long period of time. A conquer that reflects Efacec ability to successfully perform in highly demanding technical qualification processes with its distribution transformers, throughout the years.

Once again, the company was able to demonstrate its capability to meet the most demanding technical and quality specifications in European markets, reflecting the specialised know-how of its teams, which embedded in its products and technological solutions.

“This agreement strengthens our position in the transformer market and the European energy transition panorama. We are confident that this new partnership with EnBW has a very significant potential for further developments in other business areas, extending itself to other products such as power transformers, or even to other companies within the Efacec Group.” says Michael Silva, Chief Commercial Officer of Efacec.

Our collaboration with Efacec is a crucial step in strengthening our distribution infrastructure. With this agreement, we are partnering with a company that is characterised by stable and high-quality technical performance as well as reliability. The delivery of over 2,600 distribution transformers will help us modernise our networks and achieve our sustainability goals. We are confident that this partnership will not only enhance our efficiency but also make a significant contribution to the energy transition in Germany as we work together towards a climate-neutral future.”, states Lilia Bernau of EnBW.

With this new contract, the Portuguese company attests to its ongoing commitment to helping in the fast and urgent ongoing process of reinforcing European electrification networks, thus contributing to the decarbonisation of the industry.