Efacec will be present at the international electricity sector stage at the CIGRE Technical Exhibition, taking place between 25 and 30 August at the Palais des Congrès in Paris. The Portuguese company will present their products and solutions and share its knowledge, integrating seven papers.

The event is an opportunity for Efacec to strengthen its position in the sector, with a focus on automation, transformers and switchgear.

Within the scope of Automation, Efacec will present its leading solutions and products, namely:

→ The open and scalable ScateX Grid REMS and ScateX Grid ADMS systems, the flexible station and HMI servers – UC 500 and HMI 500, the top-of-the-line, high-performance 500 Series Protection and Control IEDs and the compact fusion and process IED MCU 500, together with the Automation Studio all-in-one engineering tooling environment.

→ Digital Substation solutions that provide new levels of efficiency throughout the entire life cycle.

→ Announce the latest enhancements and innovative strategies in the DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) technology domain, advanced cybersecurity enhancements across the entire product portfolio, top-down engineering approaches, and recent IEC 61850 ed 2.1 product certifications, including the first IEC 61850 customer worldwide to comply with the latest edition of the standard.

In the Transformers field, Efacec stands out for its excellence in the design and manufacturing of “made in Europe” equipment for energy transmission and distribution networks, with highly efficient and reliable solutions for power transformers, distribution, and mobile substations. Customers can count on service support for maintenance, oil analysis, monitoring, fault diagnosis, repairs, and retrofits of existing power transformers, as well as the installation and commissioning of new units.

Fully aligned with the decarbonisation objectives of Sustainable Development Goals, Efacec develops medium-voltage Switchgear with high performance and minimal environmental impact. As such, during CIGRE it will be announcing some products that will soon be part of the company’s portfolio:

→ The NeoPrime, with gas insulation, uses natural air for insulation and thus complies with F-gas regulations, for energy distribution, substations and critical applications.

→ A new range of medium voltage ring network units with compressed natural air insulation, for community electrification and E-Mobility.

Efacec has participated in CIGRE since 2002 and in this edition, it will be on the first floor of the Palais des Congrès in Paris, at stand S183.